Practice of the medical profession requires not only experience and continuous improvement of qualifications, but also knowledge of the rules of current medical law. Changing legal regulations and court rulings, as well as an increase in the legal awareness of Polish society, translate into an increasing number of conflicts between patients and medical staff, an increasing number of complaints against medical staff and an increasing number of lawsuits and claims against both hospitals and medical staff. 

The Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education is therefore providing training for hospital staff on patient rights and civil liability as part of the 'Hospital Promoting Patient Rights' project. The trainings offered by the Institute are in the form of a lecture and a seminar. They are conducted by an expert, a specialist in patient rights, Prof. Dr. n. praw. Dorota Karkowska.




If the training is attended by at least 51 per cent of the medical staff practising in a given professional group, upon completion of the training, the Institute awards the Hospital with the certificate of 'Hospital Promoting Patients' Rights'. In addition, the Hospital is placed on the list of certified hospitals found on the patient service.

Hospitals interested in receiving a training offer, please email us at



List of certified hospitals:

  1. Dr Anna Gostynska Wolski Independent Public Health Care Institution in Warsaw, Director Marek Balicki
  2. Non-public Health Care Institution St. Camillus Hospital of the Camillian Order in Tarnowskie Góry, Director Ireneusz Sajewicz
  3. Independent Public Health Care Complex in Janów Lubelski, Director Zbigniew Widomski
  4. St. John of Dukla Oncology Centre of Lublin, Director Elżbieta Starosławska, MD, PhD
  5. Independent Public Specialist Psychiatric Health Care Facility in Frombork, Director Bogdan Jussis, M.Sc.
  6. Cardiology Institute named after Primate of the Millennium Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński in Warsaw Director Prof. dr hab. n. med. Witold Rużyłło
  7. Independent Public Voivodship Hospital in Gorzów Wielkopolski Director, dr med. Marek Twardowski (training organised with the support of the District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives in Gorzów Wielkopolski).
  8. Voivodship Hospital for the Nervous and Mentally Ill "DREWNICA" in Ząbki, Director Waldemar Giza, M.Sc.
  9. Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej "Szpital Powiatowy" w Słubicach Sp. z o.o., Chairman of the Board - Zygmunt Baś
  10.  Dr. Jan Biziel University Hospital No. 2 in Bydgoszcz, Director Dr. n. med. Wanda Korzycka-Wilińska
  11. Voivodship Specialist Hospital in Wrocław, Director Prof. Dr. Wojciech Witkiewicz
  12. St. Anne's Hospital in Miechów, Director Mirosław Dróżdż, M.D.
  13. University Clinical Hospital of the Military Academy of Medicine in Łódź - Central Veterans Hospital, Director Dr. Wiesław Chudzik, M.D.
  14. Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotkiej (Independent Public Health Care Institution in Rawa Mazowiecka), Małgorzata Leszczyńska, Director