The social campaign, prepared by NGOs working in the field of diabetes, is aimed at people diagnosed with diabetes who face the many limitations that come with the disease on a daily basis.

The aim of the campaign was to draw particular attention to the prevention of diabetes complications. The campaign was also intended to educate people with diabetes, as they are the ones who have a real impact on their health and the progression of the disease.

As part of the campaign, the website was launched, a TV spot and a radio spot were created. Campaign visuals relating to good and bad choices in living with diabetes appeared in the press, on media in urban areas and on the Internet

The initiators of the campaign "Diabetes Without Complications" were non-governmental organisations active in the field of diabetology: the Association for Diabetes Education, the Merry Diabetic Association, the "Stand Up Together, Active Rehabilitation" Foundation, the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education, the Coalition to Fight Diabetes, the Polish Diabetes Association, the National Federation of Organisations Assisting Children and Young People with Diabetes. The Polish Diabetes Association was a partner of the campaign.