Hydrotherapy - water and hydration

World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March. The theme of "Wednesdays with Prevention" - an educational action of the National Health Fund, is hydrotherapy, or water therapy. We will talk to an expert about the benefits and methods of aquatherapy and the health benefits of drinking medicinal and mineral waters.

Water - life, health and beauty

Water is a component of all tissues, every cell, every system in our body. It determines their proper functioning and is a sensational transporter of body substances such as hormones, enzymes.

It is a good habit to drink fluids in small amounts, often, throughout the day. A water imbalance causes dehydration," says the video Dr Jerzy Odonicz-Czarnecki specialist in balneology and physical medicine.

What forms of hydrotherapy does the expert recommend?

How do you recognise dehydration?

What are the health benefits of drinking water regularly?

See the video with the expert on the channel YouTube NFZ Academy.

Audio version:

There is no shortage of towns and cities in Poland that are renowned for the natural properties of their healing waters. Anyone can benefit from spa treatment.

10 steps - how to go to a spa for treatment?

To a sanatorium with an e-referral

Referrals to sanatoriums or spa rehabilitation are now also issued electronically. An e-referral with information on its status is available at the Internet Patient Account and in the application myIKP.

Educational materials prepared as part of the 'Wednesday with Prevention' campaign are available free of charge at:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.