Survey of ostomy equipment supply needs

Survey of the needs of stomas and stomataóin the area of ostomy supplies after one year of new reimbursement rules.

The survey is being conducted on behalf of

STOMALife Foundation, POL-ILKO Association

and the Polish Stoma Nurses Association PTPS

After a year of operation of the new reimbursement rules for ostomy equipment, there are numerous observations and requests from the stoma community. Given the need to prepare proposals for changes to the current regulations, we would like to ask those concerned to complete the survey we have prepared. The survey report on the needs and expectations of people with stomas in this area will be used as a source of reliable knowledge in preparing proposals for changes in this area.

The aim of this survey is to find out the needs and expectations of stoma patients in the area of stoma supplies, primarily those who already have some experience with stoma supplies. The survey asks how people with a stoma are coping with the change in reimbursement rules that has been in place for a year now, not only in terms of the amount of pouching and wafer equipment available for reimbursement, but also the change in the availability of accessories needed for daily stoma care.

An important element of the ongoing study is the relationship of the reimbursement limit for stoma equipment to the current needs of stomas and ostomy patients, as well as the principle of partial payment introduced.

The survey is available online at: and in hard copy at the survey partners.

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