A Charter of Good Governance Principles, a Self-Assessment Questionnaire and recommendations for patient organisations have been developed

We are pleased to announce that as part of the work of the Working Team of the "Coalition for Health" project, which included representatives of patient organisations: Rev. Dr Arkadiusz Nowak - President of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education, Urszula Jaworska - President of the Urszula Jaworska Foundation, Krystyna Wechmann - President of the Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients and the Federation of "Amazons" Associations, Stanisław Maćkowiak - President of the Federation of Polish Patients and experts in the persons of: Piotr Frączak - social activist, Katarzyna Sadło - ngo expert, Adam Bruszewski - auditor, we prepared three documents to support your organisation in its daily work:

  1. Charter of Good Governance Principles, 
  2. Self-assessment questionnaire, 
  3. Recommendations for patient organisations.

The work on the above-mentioned documents was based on the conclusions of the audits conducted in patient organisations from April 2021 to November 2021, the purpose of which was to verify the compliance of the selected organisations with the applicable laws, statutes, regulations and resolutions of the organisations' statutory bodies. The Charter of Good Governance Principles is primarily intended to set out the fundamental principles that guide patient organisations in their activities in areas such as operations, governance and cooperation. The purpose of the questionnaire, on the other hand, is the self-verification carried out by the organisation and the assessment of the internal compliance of the organisation's activities with the applicable laws, statutes, regulations and resolutions of the organisation's statutory bodies. Meeting all the requirements contained in the questionnaire is intended to minimise the organisation's risk of legal and financial consequences and to take corrective action.

We encourage you to read the attached documents and actively implement them in your organisation. In April this year, we will prepare an online training more broadly discussing the developed tools. All tools are available below:

Charter of Good Governance Principles 

Self-assessment questionnaire

Recommendations for NGOs


The project 'Coalition for Health' is implemented with a grant from the Active Citizens - National Fund programme, funded by the EEA Funds.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.