World Heart Failure Awareness Day 2022

Heart failure in Poland in 2022:

  • 1.2 million patients;
  • 90 per cent of the costs associated with the condition resulting from some of the highest hospitalisations in Poland among other OECD countries;
  • prognosis worse than many cancers;
  • The ever-growing 'cardiac debt' following the COVID-19 pandemic.

- The picture of heart failure in Poland is serious. However, the revolution in the therapy regimen for heart failure and the recent reimbursement decisions of the Minister of Health mean that we can offer our patients in Poland solutions that will realistically improve their condition, length and quality of life. We are betting on cooperation, because this is the only way we can improve the fate of people affected by heart failure in Poland - acknowledged experts from the Heart Failure Association of the Polish Cardiac Society and leaders of patient organisations at a press conference organised on the occasion of the Heart Failure Awareness Day 2022, held on 3 June 2022 in Łódź.



We encourage you to read the press release:

ANS PTK press release_03.06.2022

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.