In May 2024, the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education launched the Patients for Health task. Through the implementation of standardised management standards in patient organisations, the project will contribute to changing the perception and functioning of the entire patient organisation sector and improving its image. The project activities directly target patient representatives and indirectly affect patients themselves.
The project has three key activities planned:
- Updating the self-assessment questionnaire
The organisational self-assessment questionnaire was created in 2021 as a tool to
to carry out an internal evaluation and assessment of the compliance of the organisation's activities with the applicable laws, statutes, regulations and resolutions of the statutory bodies of patient organisations from a formal and legal point of view. In the first stage of the activities carried out, it was planned to update the document by experts, adjusting it to changes in the law that have occurred since the questionnaire was developed. In addition, it was planned to balance the risks associated with non-compliance with the provisions contained in the questionnaire, so that the user has knowledge of the sanction burden that the organisation may incur in the event of non-compliance with a given obligation (prioritisation).
Updated questionnaire: To download
- Training for leaders of health organisations
The main pillar of the planned training will be issues related to the self-assessment questionnaire - its implementation and the correct application of its provisions. The benefits of its use in the organisation will also be presented.
Training will take place in the regions. By mid-2026, a total of 16 are planned - one each
in every provincial city.
- We are keen to reach out with the self-assessment questionnaire also to organisations that are less mobile, whose leaders are unable for various reasons to take part in the stationary training we organise as an Institute in Warsaw. The topic of the training we are proposing is very important for organisations, we want as many as possible to take part in the meetings and find out
about the self-assessment questionnaire, hence the idea to implement the training closer to the potential participants - in the regions. In a smaller group it is also easier to ask all the questions - the says Igor Grzesiak, Vice President of the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education and Project Manager.
There will be six training courses in 2024:
- 27 September in Rzeszów,
- 04 October in Zielona Góra,
- 18 October in Szczecin.
- 25 October in Olsztyn
- Kielce - date to be determined (November),
- Bialystok - date to be determined (November)
Participation in the training is free of charge.
For more on training, see here
RECORDS APPLY: Registration link (please complete for each participant separately):
Places are limited - first come, first served.
Patient Organisation Support Centre
The Centre for the Support of Patient Organisations (CWOP) is a place where organisations operating
in the area of health care can benefit from free advice and expert services - lawyer, graphic designer, IT specialist, English and Spanish translator, experts in running NGOs, etc. More on the subject can be found here