Patients' rights - This is the topic of today's "Wednesday with Prevention" - a cyclical educational action of the National Health Fund.
According to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, everyone, irrespective of his or her material situation, should have equal access to health services, which are financed from public funds.
Patient is a person requesting or receiving health services provided by a health care provider or health professional.
Act on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman
Patients' rights are to be respected:
- public health authorities
- National Health Fund
- healthcare providers
- members of the medical profession
- other persons involved in the provision of health services.
Learn about patient rights and how to exercise them
Does the Act only apply within the universal health care system?
Who is entitled to healthcare services?
What rights does the patient have under the Act?
When and how can you use the Patient Ombudsman?
The questions in our material are answered by Grzegorz Błażewicz, Deputy Ombudsman for Patients' Rights.
See our video on the NFZ Academy YouTube channel:
Educational materials prepared as part of the 'Wednesday with Prevention' campaign are available free of charge at:
- channel YouTube NFZ Academy
- and on the website of the National Health Fund -