Fairy tales versus illness

An interesting and unusual initiative. We encourage you to find out more about the action and its support at:



Currently, the whole world is fighting a coronavirus pandemic. At every turn we hear about the threat of an invisible killer that has led to the tragedy of hundreds of thousands of people. The successive restrictions imposed by politicians have changed the lives of everyone, including the youngest.

Parents and carers faced many questions:

, "Why can't I go to kindergarten/school?",

, "Why can't I go out on the pitch with the boys?"

, "Why do you walk around wearing masks?".

, "What exactly is this virus?"


The initiators of the project, "Fairy tales vs. illness" (bajkikontrachoroba.pl), decided to write from scratch and illustrate a fairy tale on the subject of viral diseases, to consult experts in the field of infectious diseases and psychology and to publish the item in electronic form.

 The item on viral diseases is a continuation of the series ,,Fairy tales versus illness" (www.bajkikontrachoroba.pl). In a factual but easy-to-understand way, we explain to children what illnesses are, the diagnostic process, treatment, convalescence and the changes in life that occur after leaving hospital.

     The lavishly illustrated booklets are friendly to the youngest and, thanks to them, children can more easily cope with the difficulties they have to face. Given the current situation in the world - a particularly difficult time for all people - we want to explain to Children in an accessible and easy-to-understand way why it is important to follow the recommendations and temporarily change their everyday lives.



Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.