In May 2018. The Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education organised 3 educational meetings for people with schizophrenia and their carers, with a total of 87 participants (this group consisted of both patients and carers of people with the condition). Two meetings were held in Warsaw and one in Zielona Góra. During the lectures, specialist doctors explained that schizophrenia, like any other disease, if untreated, can lead to adverse consequences for the patient. They presented positive (productive) and negative (disabling) symptoms of the disease and explained the difference between delusions and hallucinations. Meeting participants were introduced to the pattern of schizophrenia symptoms and their consequences. They also discussed treatment options (through oral medication, intramuscular administration) and explained how medication treats the symptoms of schizophrenia. Finally, ways of dealing with the side effects of medication were presented, as well as information on what else is important besides drug treatment in the course of the illness (e.g. diet, alcohol abstinence, attending therapy, etc.). At all meetings, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and receive substantive answers. The meetings also enabled doctors to dispel certain myths related to the disease. An added value of the meeting in Warsaw at Nowowiejski Hospital, which was met with great interest on the part of the participants, was a demonstration of how to perform subcutaneous injections presented by a community nurse. All meetings were positively received by the participants. Above all, they praised the opportunity to ask questions and receive comprehensive answers provided by psychiatric specialists. Warsaw (Bielany) - 10 May 2018. Place: Community Self-help Centre, Community Treatment Centre of Bielański Hospital in Warsaw 43 participants took part in the meeting Moderator: Irmina Sadowska, psychiatry specialist The meeting was held under the patronage of the NeuroPozytywni Foundation in Warsaw.
(Photo: IPPEZ) Zielona Góra - 19 May 2018. Venue: Środowiskowy Dom Samopomocy nr 1 in Zielona Góra 21 participants took part in the meeting Moderator: Piotr Krawczyk, specialist in psychiatry The meeting was held under the patronage of the NeuroPozytywni Foundation in Warsaw.
(Photo: IPPEZ) Warsaw - 23 May 2018. Place: Samodzielny Wojewódzki Zespół Publicznych Zakładów Psychiatrycznych Opieki Zdrowotnej in Warsaw (Nowowiejski Hospital) 23 participants took part in the meeting Moderator - specialist in psychiatry Ewa Romaszewska-Świerzewska Nurse - Joanna Garbacz The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Samodzielny Wojewódzki Zespół Publicznych Zakładów Psychiatrycznych Opieki Zdrowotnej in Warsaw, under the patronage of the NeuroPozytywni Foundation in Warsaw.
(Photo: IPPEZ) Project implemented with the support of: