1. NFZ Complaints and Applications Section

The National Health Fund has a separate Complaints and Applications Section in each of its voivodeship branches and in the Headquarters in Warsaw. If an infringement of patients' rights takes place in an entity providing health care services or in a medical or nursing practice contracted with the NFZ, and the infringement consists in improper performance of the contract with the Fund, such a case should be reported to the Complaints and Applications Section of the relevant voivodeship branch of the NFZ. The Fund may in such a situation carry out an inspection and impose a financial penalty.

More information can be found at: www.nfz.gov.pl

Toll-free helpline 800-190-590


  1. Patient Ombudsman

In the event of violations of patients' rights, it is advisable to seek help from the Patient Ombudsman. The Ombudsman's Office will also provide assistance in actions against service providers, particularly if they are psychiatric care units. The Ombudsman can be approached by patients using both services financed by the National Health Fund and services financed by their own funds (e.g. private appointments).

Toll-free helpline (combined with the NHF helpline) 800-190-590

More information can be found at: www.gov.pl/web/rpp/rzecznik-praw-pacjenta

  • Medical Incident Compensation Fund

Individuals who suffer an injury, disorder or hospital infection during a hospital stay can apply for financial compensation from the Medical Events Compensation Fund. In the event of a patient's death, family members can apply for benefits.

More information can be found at: www.gov.pl/web/rpp/fundusz-kompensacyjny-zdarzen-medycznych

  • Clinical Trials Compensation Fund

O financial support for clinical trial participants, can be claimed by people who have suffered harm as a result of their participation in the trial, as well as their family members.

Applications are submitted to the Patient Ombudsman. The fund covers damages (resulting from rharm to health or injury to a clinical trial subject), which occurred as a result of participation in clinical trials initiated as of 14 April 2023.

More information can be found at: patientwbadaniach.abm.gov.pl/pwb/dla-pacjenta/funsz-kompensacyjny-badan-kl/112,Fundusz-Kompensacyjny-Badan-Klinicznych.html

  • Immunization Compensation Fund

The Immunization Compensation Fund is a simple, out-of-court pathway to obtain a compensation benefit in the event of hospitalisation due to adverse vaccination reactions. The amount of the benefit, and whether it is granted at all, depends primarily on the length of the hospital stay.

Important! The Immunization Compensation Fund refers to all COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as mandatory vaccinations and other anti-epidemic vaccinations performed from 1 January 2023 onwards.

More information can be found at: www.gov.pl/web/szczepimysie/fundusz-kompensacyjny-szczepien-ochronnych

  1. Ombudsman for Professional Liability of the Regional Medical Council

A patient who finds that a doctor has made a mistake, has been negligent in his or her treatment, acts contrary to the rules of professional ethics or violates the regulations on the practice of the medical profession may also turn to the Ombudsman for Professional Liability of the Regional Medical Chamber. On the basis of a complaint by the aggrieved party, the Ombudsman for Professional Liability initiates proceedings. The complaint should be submitted to the Regional Medical Board with jurisdiction over the area in which the defendant doctor provides medical services. The aim of the proceedings is not to settle claims, e.g. material claims of the patient, but to draw professional consequences against the defendant doctor.

Address details of the regional chambers can be found on the website of the Supreme Chamber of Physicians www.nil.org.pl

  1. Professional Responsibility Ombudsman of the District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives

Similarly, in the case of a nurse or midwife, the patient can complain to the District Chamber of Nurses and Midwives.

Address details of the regional chambers of nurses and midwives can be found at  rpwdl.ezdrowie.gov.pl/kontakt-do-izb-pielegniarskich?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1