The "APROBATA" Foundation, in cooperation with the Rzeszów City Hall, is launching a social campaign under the slogan "I am my own Leader -You be yours", aimed at promoting the message that first there is the individual with his or her needs, desires, overcoming one's own limitations and difficulties, striving for their fulfilment and equal treatment, and only then there is his or her disability and the resulting limitations.
International movement against discrimination of OzN
I am my own leader - you be yours" campaign is in response to an international movement working against discrimination and objectification of people with disabilities called 'Inspiration porn'. A discussion is underway to raise awareness and inform people that it is wrong-headed to portray disability as a burden and a tragedy, to put disability first in the public's mind, making all other achievements irrelevant and making people transparent.
The glorification of the successes of people with disabilities, starting with illness and dysfunction, and the reproduction of 'motivational' slogans in the public space that strike at the dignity of people with disabilities is due to ignorance. People without disabilities often don't know that accentuating disability as a springboard to success is hurtful and prejudicial and the ongoing public campaign will help everyone to understand the essence of helping - "You help the person, not the disability!".
Man before disability
Motivational messages that are reproduced in the public space, showing the successes in life of different people through the lens of disability and forcing non-disabled people to be active by comparing them to people with disabilities:
- The disabled man made it, so I can make it too!
- The handicapped have succeeded, so I have all the more chance!
- Despite his disability - he reached the summit!
- Are you the one in the wheelchair, and do you have a child and a husband?
Community leaders for people with disabilities
As part of the "I am my own Leader -You be yours" campaign, the ,,APROBATA'' Foundation, together with the local community of people with disabilities in Rzeszów, will give a voice to Leaders representing people with various disabilities.
Films will soon be presented about the stories of Leaders who will talk about their experiences, struggles, desires and successes about being part of a community that understands and supports each other, about the inner need for self-realisation as a human being and not as a result of a disability.
We encourage all residents of Rzeszów to actively participate in the campaign!
More information on the campaign can be found here:
Educational spot with sign language interpreter: