Alivia Foundation reveals what access to diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients looks like during COVID-19 outbreak

As part of the #nasNIEuciszycie campaign, the ALIVIA Foundation conducted anonymous surveys among staff and management of cancer centres and patients. Their result is a report 'Parallel realities. Polish oncology during the COVID-19 epidemic'.

The study reveals that the state of the epidemic has exacerbated the problems observed and communicated by patients for years. These include the lack of coordination of diagnosis and treatment, staff deficits, and poor organisation of treatment in facilities. They also include patients waiting for hours in crowded corridors, violation of their rights, limited access to services and test results, chaos and deficits in communication with patients. It is particularly noteworthy that the experiences of patients and their carers are quite different from what is claimed by representatives of public administration or directors of facilities.

Key findings of the study:

  • What third test or therapy are cancelled. 11% of patients and 37% of staff confirmed that doctors and nurses did not have adequate safeguards. 34% staff confirmed that due to the outbreak in the hospital there were cancelled or postponed procedures in those patients who, for medical reasons, should be served without delay.  
  • The public administration has very limited monitoring of the implementation of the law and the recommendations it itself introduced during the epidemic. It has no tools or datawhich would allow the day-to-day management of safety and continuity of oncology diagnosis and treatment in Poland, both during and beyond the epidemic.  
  • Opinions of patients treated in facilities belonging to the National Cancer Network turned out to be worse than in out-of-network facilities, despite the fact that it was supposed to ensure better coordination and quality of services.   


The entire report is available at ALIVIA Foundation.


(Source: ALIVIA Foundation)

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