5-6 March 2020 - Katowice - exhibition of paintings by oncology patients at the 5th Congress of Health Challenges

Creative oncospace is dedicated to art therapy and creativity. We talk about art, dreams, passions, talents, interests, the beauty of the world, travel, values.

Contact with art and creativity can change one's perception of oneself and the world, it can be an excellent stimulant for a creative approach to one's own life, enrich with new, unconventional problem-solving and stress management skills. It can broaden one's own resources, open up a new perspective, a new view of oneself and one's own life and give it new meaning.

5th Health Challenges Congress (HCC)

The most prestigious and opinion-forming event, bringing together representatives of the health care community every year, an unprecedented forum for a multi-threaded discussion on key issues for health care systems in: health policy, finance and management, therapies, new technologies, eHealth and education. On 5-6 March 2020, eminent specialists representing more than a dozen medical disciplines, as well as representatives of: the world of science, patients, NGOs, the economy, politics, state and local administration and the media, will meet at the International Congress Centre in Katowice. The very broad and diverse composition of the Congress participants reflects the interdisciplinary, multi-sectoral nature of this unique event, which will focus, among other things, on therapeutic challenges faced by specialists in particular fields of medicine and strategies for building general awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, prevention and broadly defined disease-preventing measures. The organisers have planned 6 thematic blocks, 70 inspiring sessions, 400 speakers and the participation of 3,000 participants.

The Creative Oncospace, with its exhibition of paintings by cancer patients - both those who have already completed their treatment and those who are undergoing cancer therapies - is part of this extremely important area of health prevention and therapeutic activities .

Although these are works by amateurs, each is an individual expression of the artists' deep emotions. The themes of the exhibition revolve around nature motifs, as all the works on display were created during an outdoor painting workshop for patients. However, the approaches to the subject vary: while some of the authors have attempted to render elements of the environment realistically, others have reached for more abstract forms, experimenting more boldly with colour, light and texture.

All the paintings presented in the exhibition were created during the Onkop przestrzeń Kreatywna painting workshop in Sieraków Wielkopolski in July 2018. In a quiet and peaceful natural setting, the participating patients learned the basics of painting and drawing under the guidance of visual artist Stefan Żuchowski. Workshop participants gained knowledge about framing and handling light in art, which they were then able to apply in practice - says Maria Poszwińska, initiator of the project and vice-president of the Creativity and Documentation Foundation.

CREATIVE SPACE - is a film and workshop therapeutic and artistic project promoting art therapy, relaxation and anti-stress techniques and various forms of activity in the process of cancer treatment. The idea behind the initiative is to restore hope and life affirmation in patients. The aim is also to create positive thinking among people struggling with the illness, which is extremely important in the treatment process, as well as to support their relatives and those who work with patients on a daily basis (psycho-oncologists, therapists, doctors). As numerous studies have shown, facing fears, helplessness, feelings of depression or loneliness mobilises the immune system and strengthens the effect of medical treatment. That is why THE CREATIVE SPACE promotes a new understanding of recovery and new creative attitudes towards the illness, so that the word "cancer" is not associated with a death sentence, fear, loneliness and withdrawal from all social and creative activity. The project included creative workshops and therapeutic-artistic meetings and, above all, the production of the film Onkop przestrzeń Kreatywna and more than 100 interviews and footage showing positive stories of life with cancer and after treatment.

When we are affected by illness we should become aware of our subjectivity, mobilise our strengths and direct our attention also towards health - says Maria Poszwińska,.  Creative Oncospace inspires positive actions in different areas of life, points to the healing role of art and an active attitude towards the disease, which can support in difficult moments, help return to normal life and give hope for the future. We believe that such multidimensional activities mobilise the immune system and strengthen the effect of medical treatment. Through the films produced, we want to spread the idea of psychological support and therapeutic self-help in situations of stress and trauma such as cancer to patients, their relatives, the medical and therapeutic community. Activity and social contact are extremely important in the healing process, allowing the body and mind to rest from focusing on the illness, from negative emotions, to improve the mood, to relax and unwind. We encourage you to take a look at the website of the Creative Oncospace project.

Onkop przestrzeń Kreatywna is a film and workshop project created on the initiative of Maria Poszwińska and carried out in partnership with the Twórczość i Dokumentacja Foundation and the Polish Coalition of Oncology Patients, co-financed by the CIF Programme of the National Institute of Freedom - Centre for Civil Society Development.

https://fundacja-tid.wixsite.com/onkoprzestrzen  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1469325983199681/

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