Medical nutrition - stories of oncology patients

As part of the campaign 'Medical nutrition - Your meals in the fight against illness', oncology patients - Mr Marek and his wife Jolanta, Mateusz and Lucyna - talk about the importance of the support of their loved ones during their illness and the role medical nutrition played during their treatment.

Oncological illness takes on different faces, and each patient's story carries different emotions and experiences. The patients who, as part of the educational campaign 'Medical nutrition - Your meals in the fight against the disease', agreed to share the story of their illness have one thing in common - during their treatment, they received strong support from their loved ones - spouses, children, parents or co-workers. It was they who gave them the strength to overcome the hardships of cancer treatment and recover.

We were with each other at every stage of the disease. From the diagnosis to the next stages of treatment. The second thing, as if to say, through my wife's illness I knew that you don't die from cancer, hence mutual support in illness is a natural thing for us - says esophageal cancer sufferer Mr Marek Kuźma, who starred in the film with his wife, Jolanta, who suffers from breast cancer.

Medical nutrition was an integral part of the cancer treatment of all the protagonists in the films. Food is a small battle in a big war, so I reached for medical nutrition, which was recommended to me by my doctor. I could definitely see from myself that I had more energy and strength for various activities, such as just going out for a walk or cycling. Medical nutrition was very helpful in the healing process, because a person who does not take in any food, who is malnourished, is not able to go through the whole healing process without any breakdowns -. says Matthew, who developed Hodgkin's lymphoma in his secondary school class. 

All videos are available on the Medical Nutricia channel:

The story of Mr Mark, who experienced oesophageal cancer, and his wife, Jolanta, suffering from breast cancer:



History Matthewwho contracted Hodgkin's lymphoma in his senior year of high school



History Lucynysuffering from ovarian cancer

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