XII Patient Organisations Leaders Forum - registration launched

As every year, on the occasion of the upcoming World Day of the Sick - the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education cordially invites you to participate in the 'XII Patient Organisation Leaders Forum'. The event will take place on 09 and 10 February 2018. in Warsaw. As in previous years, the Institute wishes to provide an opportunity to meet among organisations representing patients from different therapeutic areas, providing a unique opportunity to exchange views and experiences. This year, the first day of the conference will be devoted to discussing the most important problems related to the functioning of the health care system and undertaking a debate on solutions to improve the systemic care of patients in our country. We will dedicate the second day to workshop work, divided into groups, in order to better address your diverse needs for development and competence enhancement within the functioning of your organisation. Zapplications will be accepted until 20 January 2018. We are very keen for as many organisations as possible to have the chance to take part in the meeting, so if possible please send a one representative of your association/foundation. However, it is possible to put a second person on the reserve list. In this case please indicate clearly who is to be put on the main list and who is to be put on the reserve listThose on the reserve list will be contacted by telephone if there is space available. After 25 January, we will send you qualification information with the necessary logistical information and a detailed conference programme. If you have any questions, please contact me by e-mail (biuro@prawapacjenta.eu) or by telephone at 22 628-08-63 (Monday to Thursday). Once registration is complete, we will send you a feedback containing the necessary logistical information and the conference programme.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.