World Rare Diseases Day - invitation

The National Forum for Rare Disease Therapy, on behalf of its member organisations and on its own behalf, would like to invite you to a joint celebration of World Rare Disease Day, which will take place on 28 February 2021 in Warsaw. This unique event, held annually on the last day of February, aims to draw attention to the problems of people suffering from rare diseases and to emphasise solidarity with patients and their families. In Poland, the celebration will be held for the eleventh time on the initiative of the National Forum for Rare Disease Therapy ORPHAN, which brings together 42 patient organisations. This year, despite the pandemic, the organisers are trying to maintain the tradition established over the years. This time, however, in order to maintain security, the conference will be a hybrid. It will take place in the virtual interiors of the day's regular meeting place - the Royal Baths Park in Warsaw.

A detailed programme of the event can be found at the link:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.