World Patient Safety Day 2021

The aim of World Patient Safety Day is to raise awareness of the importance of patient safety, and to increase the public's commitment to healthcare safety and to reducing adverse effects of treatment and harm from inappropriate treatment. The theme for this year's World Patient Safety Day is ' Safe Mother and Baby Therapy' due to the significant risk of harm to which women and newborns requiring treatment in the perinatal period are exposed.

The problem has been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to the disruption of essential health services, difficulty for women to access medical care and proven therapies.

Another reason for the increased risk of treating women in labour is the neglect of previous years due to restrictions on the participation of women, especially in the procreative period, in clinical trials, which are the safest form of assessing the benefits and risks of new therapeutic approaches.

The slogan of this year's World Patient Safety Day campaign " Safe Mother and Child Therapy" also calls for accelerating the action needed to ensure equal access for women to new experimental therapies.


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