World Kidney Day 2022

10 March is World Kidney Day (WND) Healthy kidneys for all. This slogan fits perfectly with the activities of the National Association of Dialysed Persons, which has been in existence for 18 years. Last year, the Association launched the My Kidneys National Campaign to educate Poles about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

According to data as much as 4.5 million Poles are at risk of PChN. Each of us has a person around us who has kidney disease. The disease can develop without symptoms for up to 20-30 years and is therefore called a silent epidemic. In Poland, approximately 80 000 people die each year from untreated kidney disease.

Prevention and education are key.

The aim of the National Association of Dialysis Patients is to increase public awareness of the risk of kidney disease. Early detection of the disease and then the patient's ability to make an informed choice of treatment method is crucial. Through its activities, the Association wants to educate the public and raise awareness of the importance of prevention, the use of nephroprotection methods/therapy, a healthy lifestyle and a proper diet, which can delay the development of the disease and thus postpone or prevent the need for renal replacement therapy.

On World Kidney Day, a campaign of free preventive screenings begins in Krakow, Warsaw and Poznan. Experts actively supporting the My Kidneys Campaign include selected Provincial Consultants in nephrology and patients, so you can get a broad perspective on access to treatment and care in Chronic Kidney Disease.


Links to websites: - webinars - the website of the National Association of Dialysis patients - OSOD's Facebook profile - My Kidneys website - My Kidneys Facebook profile


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.