Winners of the "Doctor of Empathy" plebiscite

On 29 March 2022, we met the winners of the 1st edition of the Poll for Champions of Communication with Patients. The chapter honoured 56 doctors and physicians from all over Poland with the title of 'Doctor of Empathy'.

Why empathy?

An in-depth analysis of patients' opinions about doctors in Poland, reveals that an empathetic attitude is a physician attribute they expect and appreciate in a special way. These are the conclusions of the author's Special Report, conducted in June-August 2021 on a random selection of 300 opinions about doctors posted online. The data shows that the highest scores in the patients' assessment are given to doctors who will offer a "good word" in addition to professional treatment. "He listened to me", "he explained everything beautifully", "a doctor with a big heart, thank you" - these are just some of the many opinions whose common denominator is the doctor's empathetic attitude and good communication with the patient.

Stages of the plebiscite

The 56 winners of the title 'Doctor of Empathy' are doctors and physicians who have successfully passed the two-stage procedure of the plebiscite. In the first stage, they had to be noticed and appreciated by the patients themselves, who submitted their candidatures and wrote a recommendation justifying their application. A total of 326 doctors were nominated to participate in the Plebiscite. Those of them who scored 44 points or more and expressed their willingness to participate in the Poll were awarded Nominated status, thus moving on. In the second stage, the Chapter, comprising representatives of 23 leading patient organisations and media representatives, went to work. During the deliberations, which took place on 7 and 8 March, 56 Laureates were selected in the formula of open discussion and open voting, and were awarded the title of "Doctor with Empathy".

Who are this year's Laureates

There were 29 women and 27 men among the 56 Laureates. In terms of specialisation, the most numerous group represented are gynaecologists and obstetricians (22 Laureates). 15 Laureates are oncologists, followed by specialists in internal medicine (including diabetology): 9 Laureates. More than half - 31 Laureates - work in Warsaw. The shortest length of service of a Laureate is 4 years, while the longest is 39 years.

The full list of Laureates, as well as the Special Report, can be found at


About the initiative

The 'Empathy Doctor' plebiscite is the first edition of an original idea by Be Communications employees, with which the company decided to celebrate its 10-year jubilee on the communications and strategic consulting market. The initiative will continue in the coming years.

The company provides services in the field of public relations, and its particular area of expertise is health education and health promotion in the public domain. Dialogue, relationship and effective communication are areas in which the company's team moves on a daily basis, so they know their power and importance.


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.