"Why don't we get tested? Cancer prevention among Polish women and men" - Report

On 22 November this year, a press conference was held by the Sarcoma and Sarcoma Association to present the findings and recommendations of the public survey report 'Sarcoma and Sarcoma. 'Why don't we get tested? Cancer prevention for Polish women and men'.


  • 39% Poles and Polish women do not know that free, NFZ-funded preventive tests are available in Poland to detect cancer at an early stage.
  • 46% Poles and Polish women cannot name a single cancer prevention test.
  • 64% respondents do not perform regular cancer prevention tests.
  • 36% of those surveyed do not know where in their area they can have preventive tests to detect cancer.
  • 19% Poles and Polish women say that prevention will not save their lives.

Preventive screenings in Poland

One of the most effective methods of preventing cancer is prevention. However, in order for prevention to be effective - examinations must be performed regularly and their results must be interpreted with a doctor. It is estimated, however, that as many as 2/3 of Poles do not perform regular examinations that could save their health and life. Why is this happening? This and other questions are attempted to be answered in the report.

Link to Report:


Report entitled. "Why don't we get tested? Cancer prevention of Polish women and men" was created on the initiative of the Sarcoma and Sarcoma Association and involved: Board President Kamil Dolecki, Board Member Szymon Bubiłek and Association Member Ewa Styś. Partners of the report are: The Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology - National Research Institute, the Institute of Mother and Child, the College of Family Doctors in Poland, the Polish Oncological Society, the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology and the Polish Nursing Society.

Transmission recording:

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