Can you avoid osteoporosis?

"Osteoporosis prevention" is the theme of today's "Wednesdays with Prevention". - a cyclical educational action of the National Health Fund.

Osteoporosis: the "silent bone thief"

It is an invisible and insidious disease. It involves the gradual loss of bone tissue. Its first symptom is a fracture.

According to NHF Health Report. Osteoporosis, there are approximately 2.1 million people suffering from osteoporosis in Poland, of which 1.7 million are women. The value of reimbursement of services for fractures, which are most commonly attributed to osteoporosis in 2018, amounted to PLN 476 million.

Are you in a risk group?

There are risk factors for osteoporosis that are beyond our control, but also those that we can modify.

  • How can you prevent osteoporosis, from an early age?
  • Why is densitometry recommended in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and what does it involve?
  • How does physical activity affect our bones?
  • Which foods to include in the diet to strengthen bones and which are better avoided?

On prevention of strong bones, osteoporosis diagnosis and healthy lifestyles, and why children should exercise in gym class, says Prof Tomasz Blicharski, Deputy Head of the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation at the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin.

See the expert's statement on the NFZ Academy YouTube channel:


Educational materials prepared every Wednesday as part of the 'Wednesday with Prevention' campaign are available free of charge at:




Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.