Where is the pancreas? A 'search' campaign is being launched

The pancreas is an extremely important but also still 'mysterious' organ. Although it does not belong to the so-called critical organs (such as the heart or lungs, whose functions we are unable to replace nowadays), its serious disease, which is certainly cancer, may prove critical to our lives. Although we are already well acquainted with the anatomy and physiology of the pancreas, the biology of cancer developing in this organ still holds many secrets.

- Pancreatic cancer is 'invisible' to the healthcare system: difficult to diagnose, there are no preventive tests to detect it. Therefore, it is very often diagnosed too late or incorrectly -says Iga Rawicka, President EuropaColon Foundation Poland - The pancreas is also very poorly present in the consciousness of many Poles. We are unable to identify its location in our body and the functions for which it is responsible. We are also unaware of how important the good condition of this organ is for our lives. The non-specific symptoms of pancreatic cancer mean that we detect it far too late.

All this has led the EuropaColon Poland Foundation to announce a nationwide pancreas 'search'. The aim of this awareness campaign, which will be led by Detective Lisiecka (in this role, known from the series "Policemen and Policewomen" Magda Malcharek) and Dr. Kraj (Dr. n. med. Leszek Kraj - clinical oncologist with Department of Oncology WUM), is first and foremost education.

In the mini-series "Where is the pancreas? which can be viewed at https://europacolonpolska.pl/gdzie-jest-trzustka/, Detective Lisiecka and Doctor Kraj, introduce viewers to the prevention and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. And all this in the style of a detective film. Three videos have been produced as part of the campaign, and educational webinars with experts will also be held.

- In this light-hearted form of a detective mini-series, a bit 'tongue-in-cheek', we want to introduce the audience to the most serious issues possible. We will talk about the basic functions of the pancreas, its anatomy and physiology. We also want to present the most common diseases of this organ, including the most difficult and feared of modern diseases, i.e. pancreatic cancer. says Dr Leszek Kraj. - We will try to answer questions such as: what is the relationship between our skin, kidneys, liver and pancreatic disease, or why can pancreatic problems affect our brain? The aim is to show the most common, but often uncharacteristic, 'circumstantial', symptoms of pancreatic diseases - he adds.

The campaign's online activities will also target GPs and clinicians to draw their attention to the urgent need for earlier diagnosis in the fight against the dangerous adversary that is pancreatic cancer.

- Unfortunately, medicine still does not have an effective screening test to detect pancreatic cancer. This is why it is so important to be aware of the warning signs and to react quickly to worrying symptoms -. emphasises the President of the Foundation. - There will also be information about pancreatic cancer itself, prepared in an accessible way for the audience, he adds.  

It is worth recalling that risk factors for pancreatic cancer include a family history of pancreatic cancer or other cancers, genetic mutations e.g. BRCA, chronic inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes, alcohol abuse, smoking, obesity, diet (red and processed meat) or low physical activity.

Patrons of the campaign are: Polish Cancer Society, Polish Society of Clinical Oncology, Polish Society of Oncological Surgery, National Consultant in Clinical Oncology and supporting partner Servier Poland.

The media patrons of the campaign were the editors: ZwrotnikRaka.pl, Rynek Zdrowia, Służba Zdrowia, Medexpress.pl, ISB Zdrowie, Co w zdrowiu, MedKurier, Mzdrowie and WP ABC Zdrowie.



Campaign organiser:

EuropaColon Foundation Poland was established in March 2017. It is a member of a number of international organisations, including Digestive Cancers Europe. The aim of the Foundation's activities is primarily to raise awareness of gastrointestinal cancers among the general public with a particular focus on colorectal cancer. The primary aim of the Foundation is to promote prevention, early detection and appropriate treatment with modern and effective therapeutic methods in order to improve the quality of life of patients with digestive cancers and, above all, to help them recover. 

Supporting partner:

Servier is an independent French pharmaceutical company present in 150 countries around the world, in Poland for nearly 30 years, and today employs over 600 people in the country. Servier, through its activities in Poland, supports the national economy, as well as the development of local, modern drug production and scientific and research activities. Through its educational activities, it supports important social objectives from a healthcare perspective. Servier has consistently organised free nationwide social prevention and education campaigns since 2003, including the following. "Servier - Turn Off Cancer", "Servier for the Heart", "Forum Against Depression". The purpose of these campaigns is the health education of the Polish public and increasing knowledge of the prevention of chronic civilisation diseases, as well as encouraging patients to undergo systematic diagnostic tests, allowing the detection of diseases at their early stages. Social campaigns are organised under the auspices of scientific societies, and diagnostic tests have so far covered more than 78 000 patients.

Source: europacolonpolska.pl

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