Emergency services: when to call and how to speak to the dispatcher so that our call is accurate and effective?

Emergency services are usually called in emergency and highly stressful situations, so it is useful to know what questions to be prepared for if you need to call the team.

When to call an emergency medical team (ambulance)?

You should call the emergency medical services (EMS) team (by dialing 999 or 112) if you or another person in your presence is in sudden and immediate danger of death or in emergencies that may result in serious impairment of bodily functions, bodily harm or loss of life.

How do you talk to the dispatcher so that they can get the information they need quickly and send help?

The dispatcher may ask you about:

1. place of incident, exact address: full name of town, street, house number, municipality, district, province. How to get there? Places of interest (school, church, chapel, etc.). Will anyone be waiting for an ambulance?

2. what has happened?

3 How many persons are injured? What is the condition of the injured person(s)? (Is he/she moving? Is he/she breathing?)

4. name, approximate age of the injured person(s).

5 Name of person calling for help, telephone number. This number will be communicated to the emergency medical team. Contact between the emergency medical team and the caller may make it easier to find the address or the shortest route to get there. During the call, listen carefully to what the dispatcher says. He or she may tell you what to do until the ambulance arrives.

REMEMBER: Never end the call first, the dispatcher hangs up first after acknowledging the call!

Answers to these and a range of other questions can be found in the Patient Navigator. Available at:


Source: www.gov.pl/web/rpp

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.