Welcome to the conference of the Patient Ombudsman and the University Clinical Centre

The Patient Ombudsman, being an institution established to protect patients' rights, attaches great importance to monitoring and improving the level of patient safety in healthcare entities. That is why, together with the Director of the University Clinical Centre in Gdansk, he is organising a conference dedicated to this issue.

The conference will take place on 11 March 2022 from 9.00 - 17.00 in the Prof. Zdzisław Kieturakis auditorium in Gdańsk and, due to the epidemiological threat, will have a hybrid format with the possibility of online participation. It is aimed at policy makers, patients, students, academics, health care and public health professionals.

For the past two years, the health care system has been going through one of the most difficult trials of recent years. Patients have found themselves in a difficult and unfamiliar situation, and the continuing pandemic has significantly affected the organisation of health services in all possible areas. We have realised how much there is still to do to ensure a sense of security for Polish patients. The World Health Organisation defines health safety as a framework of organised activities that create cultures, processes, procedures, behaviours, technologies and environments in health care that consistently lower risks, reduce avoidable harm and reduce the likelihood of errors. However, safety is also understood as a certain attribute of a health care system in which risks to patients are minimised, including in terms of the number of adverse events and resulting harms, and where those who are harmed are assured of efforts to recover quickly.

The conference will have a lecture-discussion format and the agenda will be divided into 4 panels.

See link for details:


You will find the programme for the event attached:


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.