Wednesday with Prevention and NFZ

Throughout the year, the National Health Fund runs a cyclical action called 'Wednesday with Prevention', which is dedicated to health promotion and disease prevention.

On 6 October 2021, the theme of 'Wednesdays with Prevention' is. "DEPRESSION AND MENTAL HEALTH"

World Health Organisation experts highlight that about 50 % of all mental health disorders leading to substance abuse, aggression and violence and other anti-social behaviour originate in adolescence. Their mental health is based on three pillars: family, education and peer relationships.

Professor Filip Rybakowski, MD, PhD, and psychologist Anna Napiórkowska, MD, PhD, speak about mental health prevention in a prepared video available on the channel YouTube - NFZ Academy. and on FB NFZ Academy

What is mental health?

What are the worrying symptoms?

How to take care of yourself and how to support your loved ones?

Where to seek help?

We invite you to take a look.



In depression, nutrition also matters!

Proper nutrition affects levels of serotonin, known as the happiness hormone.

Many practical tips and ready-made recipes can be found in the DASH Depression diet plan on the free portal


We encourage you to read the leaflet:

Leaflet Depression and mental health

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.