For the fifth time, the initiator of the campaign In women's interests company Gedeon Richter, reminds Polish women of the need for gynaecological examinations. This year's edition We perceive! We examine. pays particular attention to women over the age of 59 and with a recognised disability who, because of their age, withdraw from many areas of life, including, among others, gynaecological surgeries. The Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education has assumed patronage of the campaign.
As the results of the survey showed [1], almost one in three respondents over the age of 59, including those with disabilities, had not visited a gynaecologist in the past two or more years, and about 14% of those asked could not remember when such a visit had taken place. In contrast, a survey conducted in 2022 showed that as many as 77% women with disabilities had not been to a gynaecologist in the past year, and 22% admitted that they had never been. Among Polish women in general, of reproductive age, 72% admitted to being aware that regular visits to the gynaecologist and examinations help to detect dangerous diseases early, but due to various constraints (including psychological ones) only 1/3 of Polish women go regularly to the gynaecologist.[2]
In Poland it is approx. 5.5 million women of senior ageand due to the ageing population to 2050, these women will make up 22.2% of the country's total population.[3] According to experts, age does not absolve the need for prophylactic gynaecological examinations and the recommendations of the Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians indicate the validity of carrying out cytological smear at least every 3 years and HPV test once every 5 years.[4] Unfortunately, according to a survey on gynaecological prophylaxis carried out by SW Research[5] on behalf of Gedeon Richter Polska, and the Watch Health Care Foundation, women over 59 do not know how often they should have a cytological examination (20%) and HPV test (as many as 63%).
Free gynaecological examinations
On 27 May, the Mobile Gynaecology Clinic of the campaign will start its route We perceive! We explore. In women's interestswhich will visit eight cities in three provinces:
- Łódzkie - Łódź 27.05, Zduńska Wola 28.05,
- Lubuskie - Zielona Góra 02.06, Międzyrzecz 03.06, Strzelce Krajeńskie 04.06
- West Pomeranian - Szczecin 09.06, Świnoujście 10.06, Międzyzdroje 11.06.
Interested women can benefit from free gynaecological consultations and examinations (liquid cytology, gynaecological ultrasound, HPV test), as well as consultations with a urogynaecological physiotherapist. The Mobile Gynaecology Clinic meets safety requirements and is specially adapted to accommodate patients with disabilities.

All women, with a special focus on women 59+, regardless of place of residence, nationality or degree of disability, can sign up for the study. The requirement is to bring an identity card or passport.
In the interest of women's comfort, enrolment will be on a two-track basis:
- Patients without a disability certificate can sign up for an appointment in person, on the day of the examination, on site,
- female patients aged 59+ (born 1964 or earlier) including those with a disability can make an appointment for the examination by telephoning 452 852 886 (Monday to Friday
10:00-16:00, Saturdays and Sundays 8:00-16:00)
or by e-mail: (Disability Identity Card number required).
[1],5 Opinion poll on gynaecological prophylaxis, SW Research commissioned by Gedeon Richter Polska and the Watch Health Care Foundation, with a purposive sample of Polish women aged 59+, from rural areas and towns with up to 100,000 inhabitants, including 61 questionnaires with women with known disabilities, 332 questionnaires
[2] Survey conducted by the ARC Rynek i Opinia Institute on behalf of Gedeon Richter Polska, May-June 2022. CAWI,
N= 201 women with mobility, visual and hearing disabilities. Survey carried out in cooperation with the Foundations: Avalon, Kulawa Warszawa and Integracja, the Polish Association of the Deaf and the Polish Association of the Blind.
[3] Report: Sytuacja osób starszych w Polsce w 2021 r. [Situation of the elderly in Poland in 2021], CSO, CSO Białystok, Warsaw, Białystok 2022.
[4] Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (PTGiP) primary screening schedule for cervical cancer - June 2022