We would like to invite you to participate in a debate organised as part of the Health Human Prevention project

On behalf of the organisers of the educational project "Health Human Prevention", we would like to invite you to participate in an expert debate entitled: "Investment in health as good CSR practice - be a socially responsible employer. Steps and ready-made solutions for implementing programmes to protect employees from infectious diseases."

The meeting will be held Wednesday 15 June, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm and will be broadcast on the portals: rynekzdrowia.pl and portalsamorzadowy.pl.

We invite you to register free of charge to the event via the link: https://www.rynekzdrowia.pl/partnerzy/zcp/2022/3/

The debate will address topics such as:

  • Guidance on the correct implementation of prevention programmes - from diagnosing needs and expectations through to developing a plan and implementing it.
  • Current funding opportunities for health programmes.
  • Tools available to facilitate the implementation of health interventions - real support for employers and programme implementers.
  • Current public health priorities in the context of workplace infectious disease prevention programmes. 
  • The role of employers in the prevention of infectious diseases in Poland.
  • Examples of good practice and their effects.

Experts invited to participate in the debate:

  1. Edyta Maslowska-Parishioner,EU Funds Expert, Deputy Director, Łukasiewicz - ORGMASZ Research Network
  2. Monika Tomaszewska, expert of Employers of Poland, Head of Nurses' Forum at Employers of Private Medicine
  3. Jarosław Pinkas, National Consultant in Public Health, Dean of the School of Public Health at the Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education, Member of the National Health Development Council
  4. Paweł Wdówik,occupational medicine specialist, National Consultant in Occupational Medicine, member of the Public Health Council and the Sanitary-Epidemiological Council, Head of the Radom Branch of the Mazovian Provincial Occupational Medicine Centre, First Deputy President of the Board of the Polish Society of Occupational Medicine (PTMP), Chairman of the Warsaw Branch of the PTMP.

The meeting will be chaired by: Tomasz Jan Prycel, Managing Director of the CEESTAHC Association. Co-founder of the Health Human Prevention project.

The event is the second in a series of meetings organised this year as part of the 'Health Human Prevention' educational project. The debate is aimed at selected target groups: including local governments, broadly defined employers and entrepreneurs, institutions and entities bringing together people who, due to the specifics of their occupation, are exposed to health risk factors. We also invite to participate all those who are looking for information on CSR activities and their benefits, who want to learn about good and proven practices and solutions applied in workplaces and local governments.

We would be honoured if you would like to attend the event and, if possible, inform others potentially interested in this topic about the initiative.


Media patrons of the event are: Rynek Zdrowia, Portal Samorządowy, Głos Seniora, Dziennik Warto Wiedzieć, Magazyn Wspólnota and Odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl.

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