5th Patient Empowerment Congress

We would like to invite you all to attend the 5th Patient Empowerment Congress online on 27 -28 April 2021, starting at 9:00 a.m.

Entry via the platform www.patientempowerment.pl which will be launched specifically for the Congress or a service www.medexpress.pl.

This year's 5th Patient Empowerment Congress will be largely devoted to the future. The immediate one, the one we need to start creating today. How to effectively protect societies from major health threats, how to strengthen the role of the patient in the health care system, how to provide patients with access to the most modern therapies. All these questions will be answered by the guests of the Congress - outstanding medical experts, health decision-makers and patient representatives.

If we ask the question - what is the most important thing in health care today - the answer will depend on the area the person to whom we ask the question is dealing with. Money - some will say, access to innovation - others will rightly add, someone else will mention better organisation of healthcare....

And against all odds... they will be wrong.

There is only one right answer - the PATIENT is the most important. The rest are just means to meet his/her health needs.

Even the best theoretical solutions will not work if those who have any stake in setting up the healthcare system forget, even for a moment, what is the sole point of reference and purpose of all actions - the welfare of the patient.

A detailed programme can be downloaded:


[source: medexpress.co.uk].



Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.