Universal HPV vaccination will have to wait

The government announces reimbursement of HPV vaccination for pubescent adolescents. The problem is that even if it includes the vaccinations in the recommended catalogue, they may not appear in the Poland right away, because our country has ordered very little of them so far.

According to media leaks, the New Deal project envisages shielding and health programmes for families. Among other things, it shows that a vaccination programme for adolescent girls against HPV, the human papilloma virus, is to start from 2021. From 2026, these vaccinations are also to be extended to adolescent boys.

However, the same was written in the National Cancer Strategy. Still in 2020, the first legislative solutions were supposed to be prepared. So far, no draft legislation is in sight.

In addition, the government had already announced on 16 March during the Health and Social Policy Team of the Joint Government and Local Government Commission in the person of Maciej Miłkowski, Deputy Minister of Health, that there was agreement to amend the regulations regarding the possibility of combining funds from the National Health Fund with funds from local government health programmes.

[source: www.politykazdrowotna.pl]


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