Day 25.04. w Krakow and 27.04. w Gdansk The Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education is organising a training course for representatives of patient organisations entitled 'Patients' Organisations. How to act efficiently, effectively and legally.
Hotel Q Plus Krakow, 6 Wygrana Street, Krakow
Hotel Novotel Gdansk Centrum, Pszenna St. 1, Gdansk
12.00-13.00 Organisation self-assessment charter - how to check if your organisation is operating openly, transparently and responsibly
13.00-13.30 "What you need to know not to sit" - familiar and less familiar legal obligations of organisations
13.30-14.00 Coffee break
14.00-14.45 Not only grants - creative and effective fundraising for activities
14.45-15.30 Inspiring examples
15:30-16:30 Lunch
The training is free of charge.
RECORDS APPLY: or by telephone
Places are limited - first come, first served.

The project "Coalition for Health" is implemented with a grant from the programme Active Citizens - National Fund financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Funds..