The Oncology Diagnosis and Treatment (DiLO) card, also known as the green card, what is it and who is eligible?

The Oncology Diagnosis and Treatment (DiLO) card, also known as the 'green card', is a tool designed to provide priority access to diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients. Eligibility for this card is strictly defined to benefit those most in need of rapid access to specialised care.

Who is entitled to receive a DiLO Card?

Obtaining a DiLO Card is possible for people with a suspected or already established cancer diagnosis. The key element here is that the attending physician - whether a primary care physician (PCP) or a specialist - indicates the need for specialised diagnostic tests that are necessary to establish the diagnosis or start treatment.

Eligibility conditions

  • Suspected cancer: The patient must have a referral from a primary care physician or specialist with a suspicion of cancer, based on the results of preliminary tests or clinical observation.
  • Cancer diagnosis: People who have already been diagnosed with cancer are eligible for a card, enabling them to access cancer treatment more quickly.
  • Need for rapid diagnosis and treatment: A key criterion is the need to accelerate the diagnostic or therapeutic process to increase the chances of successful treatment.

Process for obtaining a DiLO card

The process of obtaining a DiLO Card begins with a visit to a doctor who, on the basis of an analysis of the patient's state of health and available test results, can issue a referral for specialised diagnostic tests or directly for oncological treatment. Then, on the basis of this referral, the patient receives a DiLO Card, which is a document that entitles him or her to benefit from the priority oncological diagnosis and treatment track.

The DiLO card is an important element of the healthcare system to ensure that oncology patients have quick access to necessary medical procedures. It allows patients to avoid long queues and waits, which is crucial in the cancer treatment process. Eligibility for its receipt is based on clearly defined criteria to identify those most in need of rapid medical intervention.

Having a Diagnostic and Oncological Treatment (DiLO) Card brings a number of benefits to patients facing cancer, significantly improving the process of their diagnosis and treatment. The card addresses the need to ensure rapid

Benefits of the DiLO Card

The most important advantage of having the DiLO Card is the possibility of using the so-called priority track for oncology diagnosis and treatment. This means that patients with the DiLO Card are served first, which significantly reduces the waiting time for necessary diagnostic tests, consultations with specialists and the start of therapy. In practice, access to rapid diagnosis and early initiation of treatment have a direct impact on improving prognosis and treatment effectiveness.

By prioritising, patients with a DiLO Card can avoid long waits for key medical procedures, which is particularly important in cancer treatment where time is of the essence. Rapid diagnosis and implementation of appropriate therapy increases the chances of successful treatment and can even save patients' lives.

The DiLO Card provides access to comprehensive oncological care, including a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures tailored to the individual patient's needs. From advanced imaging examinations, to specialised consultations, to state-of-the-art treatments - all of this is more readily available to DiLO Card holders.

DiLO Card holders are also provided with psychological support and access to reliable information about their disease and treatment methods. Many centres offer additional services, such as psychological counselling or support groups, which are invaluable in the process of treatment and coping with the disease.

The benefits of having a DiLO Card translate into the overall effectiveness of oncology treatment. Priority access to diagnosis and treatment, the ability to implement treatment quickly and comprehensive medical care and psychological support all contribute to better treatment outcomes and greater patient satisfaction.

The DiLO Card is a valuable component of the healthcare system, offering oncology patients fast and priority access to necessary medical procedures. The benefits of the DiLO Card have a direct impact on improving the quality of patient care and increasing the chances of successfully beating cancer.

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