National Health Service dentist - what are you entitled to?

20 March is World Oral Health Day, whose global organiser is the FDI World Dental Federation. It is an excellent opportunity to draw attention to the dental problems of Poles and to encourage good oral hygiene habits to protect our teeth for a lifetime.

The statistics are worrying

According to the 2022 WHO Global Oral Health Report study, as many as 3.5 billion people worldwide suffer from various problems related to poor oral health.

Polish epidemiological data obtained from surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health as part of the 'Oral Health Monitoring' programme show that 99.9% of Poles aged 35-44 have tooth decay.

Caries also affects our children. It is a disease that appears as early as the first year of a child's life and affects up to 50% of children between the ages of two and three. How can it be prevented?

We hint at our Patient's guide Dentist for children - what about the National Health Service?

To the National Health Service dentist free of charge and without a referral

You do not need a referral to see a dentist at the National Health Service. Free dental care is available to anyone who is entitled to benefits.

A dentist who has signed a contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ) has his services paid for under the contract. So, since we are paying a health insurance premium, we can use the services we are entitled to at the NFZ and have our teeth treated for free. The range of services available is really wide and appointments are not far off.

The addresses of the dental surgeries at the National Health Fund are available in the search engine Where to get treatment or in  Directory of Treatment Times.

Key is prevention

Preventive dental care plays a key role in the prevention of tooth decay and other oral diseases. One element of this is regular dental check-ups. Regardless of the patient's age, they should take place once every six months.

- Prevention in dentistry really works. I observe this every day with my patients, who follow healthy habits and visit the office regularly every few months for a dental check-up and hygiene. However, it is worth emphasising that caring for a healthy smile starts at home. It is advisable to limit sweets in your diet, to remember to brush your teeth regularly and thoroughly and to change your toothbrush every three months - points out dr. dent. Katarzyna Młyniec, dentist.

Let's take care of a healthy smile, not just on holidays

Regular visits to the dentist and proper preventive care are key to maintaining oral health. They not only ensure a beautiful smile, but also protect us from serious diseases such as infections, periodontal disease or even heart disease.

National Health Fund in the latest Patient's Guide informs you which dental services you are entitled to free of charge, where to go if you have a toothache on a night, Sunday or public holiday.

The Patient's Guide is a practical guide to the health care system from the patient's perspective. Written simply and concretely.

All guides are available at

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.