Atlas "Stoma in Children" - A helpful tool for working with patients

In recent months, there has been an intense discussion about the quality of patient communication with doctors and nurses. The educational atlas "Stoma in Children", prepared by the STOMAlife Foundation, with practical information on stomas for patients and professionals, fits into this discussion. "Stoma in Children" complements the previously available stoma atlases, which were dedicated to colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy. The atlas 'Stoma in Children' is a kind of handbook with essential information to help patients understand stoma issues. The atlas covers each stage of the stoma: from the reasons for its removal, to the period of post-operative rehabilitation and care, to the care or complications that may arise. The publication was prepared by dr n. Med. Małgorzata Markiewicz-Kijewska, MD, with scientific consultation by Prof. Piotr Kaliciński, MD, PhD, of the Children's Memorial Health Institute. "Stoma in Children" explains in a simple, clear way the mechanisms leading to the necessity of producing various stomas, the problems and ailments associated with them. - says Professor Piotr Kalicinski, MD, Institute "Pomnik - Children's Health Centre". The atlas has been divided into 28 thematic sections. Each of them presents the most important information on two pages - one for the patient, the other for the nurse or doctor. The page for the patient contains simplified content, illustrated with easy-to-understand illustrations and graphics. The atlas provides commentary on the images that the patient currently sees and a description of the necessary information to be given to the patient at this point. The specialist, sitting opposite the patient, can lay the atlas down in such a way that each side can see the information relevant to them. In the case of the paediatric version of the atlas, it is a compendium of knowledge combining information on all types of excretory stomas. In general, stomas are mainly associated with the elderly and colorectal cancer, but every year there are also more and more children who need a stoma. Two groups are affected. The first is newborns, in whom a stoma is being removed due to congenital malformations or early-onset diseases. The second group is older children and adolescents with diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. The care of a child with a stoma is related to the professional care of the stoma as well as correct contact with the parents and carers of young patients. It is very important to establish a competent relationship between parents and hospital staff: doctors, nurses and all members of the therapeutic team. To win the trust of the parents of small patients is to develop the feeling that they have someone to turn to at any time for help and the necessary competent information. - says Eliza Zalewska, a nurse at the Department of Paediatric Surgery and Organ Transplantation at the Children's Memorial Health Centre Professionals interested in having stoma atlases can send a message to The campaign organisers will send out educational material in response to all requests sent in   Medical patronage The publication was supported by brand distributors Salts, Trio Ostomy, ZenSiv, ZenSetiv, ZenZipp, Wound, 1PWD. The foundation's partners are Polish Stoma Society POL-ILKO, Polish Society for the Support of People with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases "J-elita", Dr Maciej Hilgier Foundation. Honorary patronage The atlas is supervised by the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education, the Supreme Chamber of Physicians, the Supreme Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, the Polish Oncological Society, the Polish Nurses Association, the Polish Stoma Nurses Association, the City of Warsaw, the Polish Urological Society, the Polish Oncological Nurses Association, the Polish Stoma Association, the Polish Oncological Nurses Association, the Polish Coloproctology Club, the Polish Society of Oncological Surgeons, the Society of Polish Surgeons. (press release)

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