The 6th edition of the "MS - Fight for Yourself" campaign is launched!

May saw the launch of the 6th edition of the SM campaign - WALK FOR YOURSELF. "I know I can handle it"-is the main message of the 2017 campaign.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an incurable, chronic and unpredictable autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, affecting mainly young people. Each patient may present with different symptoms, such as visual disturbances, paresis, balance and coordination disorders, speech disorders, changes in sensory perception and many others. It has been called the disease of a thousand faces.

- According to the NFZ, there are approximately 45 000 MS patients in Poland. This is the sixth largest population of MS patients in Europe. Women contract the disease about twice as often as men, and the peak incidence is between the ages of 20 and 40. But even children or older people, i.e. over 60 years of age, can be affected - says Prof. Krzysztof Selmaj, Head of the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Łódź.

However, the use of appropriate therapy can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and control its progression. Appropriate monitoring of the progression of the disease makes it possible to delay the negative consequences. The most important thing is the correct and prompt diagnosis of the disease. This is followed by the selection of an appropriate drug and the prompt commencement of treatment.

According to prof. Selmaja We can speak of success in MS therapy when we maintain patients in a stable neurological state for many years, without relapses and without confirmation by MRI imaging.

This year's campaign motto " I know I can cope!" refers to the whole process, from diagnosis, life changes, family support, choice of treatment pathway, to the possibility of professional support to help learn how to manage life with a chronic disease. The most important element, however, is prompt diagnosis and getting the patient on a medication programme.

As of today, we finally have a wide choice of medicines, last autumn the first oral medicine in the so-called 1st line of treatment entered the reimbursement, now in May two more medicines. This has extended the therapeutic range to the European level, and in the perspective of the year and the following years, there will be other drugs that should be on the reimbursement list. Then we can talk about personalisation of treatment, which is a priority in the case of multiple sclerosis.- says Malina Wieczorek, President of the SM-WALCZ O SIEBIE Foundation

Unfortunately, a social survey conducted in autumn 2016 for the MS-walcz o siebie Foundation (survey carried out using the CAWI method on a group of n=372 people) by Maison&Partners shows that, despite a good assessment (57% respondents) of medical care, only slightly more than half declare that they have discussed new reimbursable forms of treatment with their doctor. A third of the respondents declare that the doctor did not ask them about their lifestyle when choosing a treatment. As many as half of the women surveyed were not asked if they would like to have a baby.

People living with MS are unable to manage their disease, to establish a partnership with their doctor, their employer or their partner. This only adds to the stress and progression of the disease. The biggest problem is in small towns and villages, where access to, for example, a psychologist is very limited. - adds Malina Wieczorek, – This state of affairs inspired the founding of the School of Motivation, as a free, accessible e-learning platform for all in need of support and expertise, implemented as part of the 6th edition of the SM-WALK FOR YOURSELF campaign.

The patient needs to be helped by explaining the consequences of the choices, showing them data on the effectiveness of the different drugs, their safety and side effects. I always encourage them to allow themselves time to make a decision.- adds Prof. Adam Czaplinski, neurologist, Neurozentrum Bellevue in Zurich.

The Honorary Patronage of the School of Motivation is held by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of

Warsaw University, Lazarski University, the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education and the

Institute for Health Communication.

The 6th edition of the campaign "SM - WALCZ O SIEBIE" will be broadcast, among others, on television (TVP, TVN), in the press, on the radio, on the Internet, on outdoor, buses and plasma screens. The animation of the spot for SM-WALCZ O SIEBIE Motivation School was created thanks to the involvement of STUDIA PIGEON. The concept was based on a rhythmic, repetitive voiceover pattern, and the animation was made using a combined technique, using stop-motion, motion design and 3D elements.

TELESCOPE is responsible for the strategy and implementation of the entire media campaign, the internet activities are supported by EURA7.


The sixth instalment of 'SM-WALK FOR YOURSELF' was launched in May, the activities are year-round. The official launch will take place during the celebration of International MS Day (MS DAY 2017). The campaign is implemented in partnership between PTSR (Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society) and the Urszula Jaworska Foundation.

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source: press materials


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