Competition launches - "Senior caregiver 2019"!

Candidates can be submitted in three categories:

  • Senior caregiver - Volunteer - Senior citizen friend


The second edition of the Senior Carer competition has begun. The aim of the initiative is to periodically reward the most professional and committed volunteers and carers of older people. The call for candidates is now open. Applications can be sent to 29 February 2020 via the website

Health professionals: family doctors, nurses, geriatricians, as well as community activists whose activities significantly improve the quality of life of dependent seniors can apply for the 2019 Senior Carer title.

The organiser of the Senior Carer 2019 competition is the publisher of the "Czas dla Seniora" (Time for Seniors) portal and Jolanta Kwaśniewska's "Communication without Barriers" Foundation. The artist Irena Santor and the journalist Beata Tadla agreed to be the ambassadors of this year's competition, and the company Promedica24 was the content partner.

Senior carer: a profession for the future


Almost a quarter of Poland's population is already over 60. Within a decade, one in three of our country's inhabitants will enter senior age. Life expectancy is steadily increasing, but the extra years of life are also associated with health challenges typical of senior age: age-related ailments and diseases, but also loneliness. This raises many needs in the area of care - both in terms of care services, the competences of carers and changes in health and social care. At the same time, this is a time when the potential and professionalisation of the profession of caring for older and dependent people is increasing significantly. "Working with an elderly patient requires a lot of patience, understanding, commitment and warmth with the client, while not being a high-profit occupation. Therefore, showcasing and honouring such people, the quiet heroes, is the imperative of our time' - according to Prof Tomasz Kostka, National Consultant in geriatrics.


The idea behind the competition

The Senior Carer of the Year competition was established to highlight the importance of caring for seniors, to draw social attention to the role and profession of senior carers and, above all, to honour the most professional, dedicated and deserving carers and friends of seniors in Poland. "We want to get to know the greatest Senior Carers and show them to the world, so that they inspire others and, with their attitude, give strength to those going through difficult times. If we take a good look around, we can probably all find someone in our surroundings who is caring for a senior citizen. Show them to us! And we will tell others about them", urges Monika Wysocka, Editor-in-Chief of the "Time for Seniors" portal, which organises the competition.

Entries for the competition are accepted in three categories:


  • Senior caregiver,
  • Volunteer,
  • Senior Friend.


The last category refers to all those who do not care for the elderly directly, but contribute to their well-being and health, including through the provision of medical services or social activities.


"We felt it was important to show their hardship and publicly recognise the efforts they make. Older people, like all of us, remain human beings longing for love, closeness and respect. This is why it is so important for seniors who are dependent on the help of others to meet a carer who is filled with tenderness and empathy. We know such people - let the world hear about them! I strongly encourage everyone to take part in our competition". says Jolanta Kwasniewska, President of the Board of the Communication Without Barriers Foundation.


Expert Jury

To enter a carer or volunteer in the competition, submit an entry via the form on the website:


The competition organisers will select 15 candidates (five in each category). Their profiles will appear on the Competition website. The final selection of the winners in each category will be decided by a Jury consisting of:

  • Jolanta Kwasniewska, President of the "Communication without Barriers" Foundation
  • Tomasz Kostka, National Consultant in Geriatrics
  • Maria Barcikowska, Director of the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Head of the Clinical and Research Group on CNS Degenerative Diseases of the IMDiK PAN
  • Barbara Bień Head of the Department of Geriatrics, Medical University of Białystok, consultant of the Podlaskie Voivodship in the field of geriatrics
  • Celina Maciejewska, Ombudsman for senior citizens
  • Promedica24 representative
  • Monika Wysocka, Editor-in-Chief of the "Czas dla Seniora" portal, co-organiser of the competition


"I firmly believe in the idea of bringing generations together. I am convinced that we can learn a lot from each other. I am in constant contact with seniors who still have dreams, believe that age is only a state of mind, want to develop and are not going to sit under a blanket at home! They are able to give me so much energy, so many warm thoughts, so much inspiration... Let's not close ourselves off to seniors, and we really will all benefit from it.", argues journalist Beata Tadla, ambassador of the competition.

More information about the competition at:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.