Robert Lukasik: HIV patients, although treated do not infect, do not talk about their disease. It is the fear of stigmatisation

In Poland, about 14 000 people receive free antiretroviral treatment after HIV infection under the government programme. Being infected with HIV, one can live a relatively comfortable life, but medication will not remove the fear of stigmatisation, says Robert Łukasik, president of the board of the 'Pozytywni w Rainczy' Association.

  • HIV-infected people are afraid to admit their disease, even though, paradoxically, it is known that a person with HIV on treatment, having achieved undetectable viral load levels, does not infect others
  • - There is a problem of social stigmatisation of people with HIV. Here we need a very big educational impact - says Robert Łukasik, President of the Board of the Association "Positive in the Rainbow".
  • There is still a belief in society that AIDS is a disease that only affects people from homosexual and drug-addicted backgrounds. Some are stuck with the belief that HIV can be contracted in the toilet.
  • In Poland, there are about 14 000 HIV-infected people on the retroviral treatment programme. About a thousand join the programme every year. They are effectively treated

HIV infection is not the end of the world

- It is very common for people with newly diagnosed HIV infection to come to us with the belief that it is 'the end of the world'. This is very natural and normal. We explain that it's not the end of the world after all, that it's possible to live a fairly comfortable life, there are medications," he says. Robert Łukasik, chairman of the board of the 'Positive in the Rainbow' Association, which supports people with HIV.

Thanks to medical advances, HIV-infected people, taking care of themselves and continuing antiretroviral treatment (it is necessary to take the drug daily in tablet form), have a chance of living as many years as their peers without infection. However, they are still afraid to admit their disease, even though, paradoxically, it is known that an HIV-infected person on treatment does not infect others after achieving undetectable viral load levels.

- The problem of social stigma, rejection, remains open. This, unfortunately, cannot be solved by medication. This is where we need a great deal of education," says Robert Łukasik.

 - This is the biggest problem reported by people who come to us. They don't cope not because they have problems with their treatment, but because they don't have the right psychological support in their family, among their friends," he adds.


Further part of the article in the link:,230797,1017.html

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