SURGICAL DISEASES: do you know what they are?

The 24th of September marks International Retinal Disease Day, which kicked off Retina Week 2023 - an educational series by Retina AMD Poland and the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education on retinal diseases as part of the #KeepWatch campaign. Daily on the profile FB Retina AMD new information on diagnosis, treatment and prevention is emerging. 

➡️ Retinal diseases include diseases leading to permanent loss of vision such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic macular oedema (DME), glaucoma, as well as inherited retinal diseases and rare eye diseases.

➡️ AMD, or age-related macular degeneration, is the leading cause of sight loss in people over the age of 60 in developed countries. In Poland, there may be as many as 140,000 people suffering from the exudative form of AMD and each year there may be as many as 14,000 new patients.

➡️ DME, or diabetic macular oedema, is a disease that threatens vision and can cause permanent vision loss. In 2010, an estimated 21 million people worldwide suffered from diabetic macular oedema. As the incidence of diabetes continues to rise, this number is steadily increasing so every diabetic should remember to control their blood glucose, blood pressure and visit their ophthalmologist regularly. 

➡️ A simple and free way to detect early signs of retinal diseases is to Amsler testwhich can quickly and non-invasively detect the first signs of macular disorders. It is a good idea to carry it out at least once a month and, if the result is worrying, to see an ophthalmologist. 

➡️ In the expert's office, the following will be done fundus examination, which aims to assess the condition of the retina, macula, blood vessels and optic nerve. Another important diagnostic step is OCT studies - tomographic examination of the eye.

➡️ Treatment of AMD and DME is based on the use of drugs that block VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). These are administered by intravitreal injections.

➡️ In Poland, treatment of retinal diseases takes place within the framework of a drug programme financed by the National Health Fund (drug programme B.70) - patients with AMD from the age of 45 are eligible for the drug programme, be sure to ask your doctor about treatment options! 

➡️ Retinal diseases can affect anyone. Many cases of conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or diabetic macular edema (DME) can be avoided through regular prevention. Here are steps that go a long way towards protecting your vision from retinal diseases:

🩺 Regular examinations with an ophthalmologist, such as the Amsler test or funduscopic examination and OCT examination

🥬 Healthy diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids,  

🌤 UV protection for the eyes by means of appropriately selected sunglasses 

🧼Good hygiene e.g. in contact lens wearers

🚭Smoking cessation 

🏃Regular physical activity

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