Puckie Hospice is the creator of the Good Dying Report

This is the first such publication in Poland.

What dreams and desires do we have when facing death? What care and support is expected? What to say to the dying person? How do we behave in the face of the inevitable? How paramount is our attentiveness to the needs of those on the last journey of life? Experts, practitioners who work and accompany people who are passing away on a daily basis, will answer these questions based on their experience of many moments spent at the bedsides of patients, with their loved ones and family.

We invite you to read the report, reflect together and commit to public education on the topic of dying, which is so difficult but unavoidable for all of us, when we often The quality of our loved ones' last moments depends on us.

The report is available at the link:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.