Prompt recognition of MS symptoms increases chances of stopping the disease

The onset of the first symptoms of MS requires immediate action, as without appropriate treatment, the disease can lead to irreversible changes and consequent permanent deterioration of the patient's performance.

Knowing the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis and the patient's ability to recognise them and take action are the first, most important step in the race against the disease, where time is of the essence - time is brain.

The first symptoms of multiple sclerosis are not always identicaland due to their non-specific nature can be confused with other ailments - especially if they occur sporadically and have a relatively mild course. Many patients then blame fatigue, a fast-paced life, stress or a poor diet.

Building public awareness of MS symptoms and a proactive attitude of patients with suspected MS increase the chances of stopping the disease, which is why, as part of the campaign "SM in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic".initiated and implemented by "MS Foundation - Fight for Yourself", an animated educational spot entitled "Time".



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Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.