Prostate cancer FAQs, or what you need to know but are afraid to ask

Are prostate, prostate gland and prostate gland the same thing?

Yes, these are all synonyms for the odd musculo-genital organ, part of the male genito-urinary system.

Where does the prostate actually lie?

The prostate is located under the bladder. On its posterior side lies the rectum and the urethra passes through its centre. Its location in close proximity to the urinary tract means that all lesions involving the prostate gland can be associated with urinary problems.

What is my prostate gland used for?

The main function of the prostate is to produce a cloudy, whitish-coloured secretion, which provides both a means of transport and a source of nutrients for sperm travelling to the egg.

What are the signs that my steroid needs reviewing?

Above all, increased frequency of urination (more than 7-8 times a day), or so-called "tachyuria", the need to urinate at night (nycturia), a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, burning or pinching during micturition, a weak urine stream, problems starting urination, dripping at the end of urination, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction.

For further information, please see the link:,faq-rak-prostaty–czyli-co-musisz-wiedziec–ale-boisz-sie-zapytac-,artykul,67672748.html

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