Project "Patient in clinical trials" - questionnaire

We invite you to participate in a short survey on knowledge of clinical trials.

The survey was also prepared in collaboration with postgraduate students major in 'Organisation and Management of Clinical Research' at Łazarski University in Warsaw. Your answers will help students to collect the necessary data for their thesis. The thesis aims to assess public awareness, knowledge, opinions about clinical trials among different age groups.

This will enable further activities to be undertaken to promote awareness of clinical trials in Poland.

The survey is fully anonymous and participation is voluntary. The survey takes approx. 10 min. Survey available until 30 April 2019.




As a patient, do you wonder how you know that the medicines prescribed by your doctor will work, that they are safe and in what dose and how often they should be taken? Before a medicine reaches the pharmacy, it must first be registered with the relevant body, which confirms its quality and safety. How does all this happen step by step and what are clinical trials? The answer to these and other questions can be found at


The project is being carried out in collaboration with the following institutions:

Coordinator: Polish Development Fund

Co-organiser: Ministry of Health

Honorary Patronage: Ministry of Business and Technology; Patient Ombudsman

Partner - public sector: Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products

Partners - non-governmental sector: Polish Union of Patients' Organisations "Citizens for Health", Urszula Jaworska Foundation, GCPpl

Employer organisations: INFARMA, PZPPF, POLCRO.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.