Prevention of hypercholesterolaemia

The development of hypercholesterolaemia is influenced by our lifestyle, including poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking and genetic factors. In Poland, hypercholesterolaemia affects approximately 60% adults. However, only a few are aware of their condition. 

Prevention of hypercholesterolaemia is the theme of today's "Wednesday with Prevention" - an educational action by the National Health Fund.

Get tested prophylactically

Elevated blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders. Above all, it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

You can have your lipid profile checked free of charge by your primary care physician and in the Prevention 40 PLUS programme or the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) prevention programme. A list of facilities carrying out these programmes is available in the search engine Where to get treatment.


People over 40 can also, free of charge, have their lipid profile checked as part of the Prevention 40 PLUS programme.

This is a blood sample test to assess total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides.

Issue yourself an e-research referral today. 

Remember: To prevent hypercholesterolaemia:

  • take care to be physically active every day
  • follow a diet and healthy eating habits - ready-made nutritional programmes can be found at NFZ diets
  • maintain a healthy body weight
  • avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  • control your cholesterol levels.

Find out more about how to take preventive action from reading educational material prepared by National Health Fund experts.

Prevention of hypercholesterolaemia - educational material

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.