Prevention for a healthy man

"Prevention for a healthy man". This is a material from the National Health Fund, prepared as part of "Wednesdays with Prevention" in connection with the launch of the November campaign Movember.


In the diagnosis and treatment of male cancers, the role of prevention is crucial

Men unfortunately neglect their health more often than women. They only visit the doctor when they experience pain.

Many men do not carry out regular preventive examinations.

Meanwhile, genitourinary diseases affect one in three men.


Male cancers - what does the term mean? Which risk factors can we eliminate and which are beyond our control? What lifestyle changes are worth making? Which tests should men undergo and when?

Listen to the expert

Kamil Kuć, MD, specialist in clinical oncology from the Przemyśl Regional Hospital, answers important questions. It points out which male cancers are most common and who may be at risk, and suggests how to persuade men to get tested.

See the expert's statement on the NFZ Academy YouTube channel:

Educational materials prepared every Wednesday as part of the 'Wednesday with Prevention' campaign are available free of charge at:

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.