Prevention 40+

From 1 July you can benefit from a package of preventive examinations under the Prevention 40 PLUS programme

Who can benefit from research

The programme is aimed at Poles who:

  • will be or have been 40 years of age in the year of the survey
  • have not previously benefited from the Prevention 40 PLUS programme
  • completed the questionnaire via the Internet Patient Account (IKP) or by calling 22 735 39 53.

How to log in to your Internet Patient Account

How to use the package

  1. Fill in the questionnaire on the Internet Patient Account (IKP) or via the helpline 22 735 39 53.
  2. Wait 2 working days for the e-referral to be issued.
  3. Choose the facility where you would like to have the study, contact them and make an appointment for the study.
  4. Bring your identity card to the examination.
  5. Pick up your test results at the facility where you provided the benefit or through the IKP.

The e-referral is valid until the end of 2021.

Check out e-research referral centres. The list of establishments is constantly growing, as the recruitment of implementers is open.

What the research package contains

The diagnostic tests that are part of the Prevention 40 PLUS programme are divided into three groups: tests for women, tests for men and a common package. Which range of tests will be available to you depends on the answers you give in the questionnaire.

Check out what is included in each package.

Package of diagnostic tests for women

  • Peripheral blood count with percentage and platelets
  • total cholesterol concentration or control lipid profile
  • blood glucose concentration
  • liver tests: ALT, AspAT, GGTP
  • blood creatinine level
  • general urine examination
  • blood uric acid levels
  • faecal occult blood - by immunochemical method (iFOBT).

Package of diagnostic tests for men

  • Peripheral blood count with percentage and platelets
  • total cholesterol concentration or control lipid profile
  • blood glucose concentration
  • liver tests: ALT, AspAT, GGTP
  • blood creatinine level
  • general urine examination
  • blood uric acid levels
  • faecal occult blood - immunochemical method (iFOBT)
  • PSA - total prostate specific antigen.

Package of diagnostic tests common

  • measurement of blood pressure
  • measurement of weight, height, waist circumference
  • calculation of the body mass index (BMI)
  • assessment of heart rate.

More information about the programme can be found on the Ministry of Health website.

Read the Ministry of Health's information clause.

Map of establishments where the Prevention 40 PLUS programme can be implemented


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.