Patient organisations - find help for you and your loved ones!

We have developed the largest database of patient organisations in Poland. Our resources, constantly updated and expanded, are an invaluable tool for people seeking support for a variety of health problems. Thanks to an intuitive search engine, anyone can find information on associations and foundations helping the sick and their families. Select a province, a medical field or a specific health problem to find the organisation that best suits your needs. Look out for the continuous expansion of our database - if you know of organisations that should be listed here, please contact us.

Vision and Mission of the Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education The Institute for Patient Rights and Health Education, founded on the initiative of Rev. Dr. Arkadiusz Nowak, has been promoting systemic solutions for patients for more than two decades. Working to improve healthcare, the Institute promotes health-seeking attitudes and influences national health policy. Hundreds of patient organisations and experts from Poland and abroad collaborate with us. We strive to be a credible institution, open to social diagnoses and an important partner in decisions about the healthcare system.

How to use the patient organisation database effectively?

In today's online information resource, the patient organisation database created by the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education is an invaluable resource. To use it effectively, it is crucial to understand how the search engine works and how resources can best be tailored to individual needs. By typing in a disease name or city, users can quickly browse a list of organisations that can offer specialist help or psychological support. This tool not only makes it easy to find suitable associations in a specific location, but also provides access to detailed information about the types of help provided, which is essential for enhancing the quality of life of patients and their families. The high functionality of the database and its SEO-friendly design translates into ease of access and the ability to reach those in need quickly.

Support map - discover local patient associations

The map of provinces, available on the Patient Organisations Database, is a tool to discover support at a local level. Each province on the map is an access point to a detailed list of organisations, allowing patients to find support in their immediate area. This interactive map not only visualises the distribution of associations, but also provides a starting point for a deeper understanding of the specifics of support in different regions of Poland. Using the map is intuitive - simply select a region to access information on available resources, which is invaluable for planning healthcare close to home.

Specialist patient organisations - a guide to medical categories

Specialised patient organisations offer support tailored to specific medical conditions and needs. The guide to medical categories in the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education's database makes it easy to find out which associations are active within each speciality - from cardiology to oncology. In this way, patients can quickly find support groups, treatment information and advice in the areas of medicine that are most relevant to them. This knowledge is crucial for increasing the effectiveness of treatment and improving patients' quality of life.

Partnership in treatment - the role of patient organisations in the health system

Patients' organisations have a fundamental role in the health system, acting as partners in the treatment process. They provide a bridge between patients and medical professionals, enabling dialogue and knowledge exchange. Through education, peer-to-peer support and advocacy, these organisations contribute to improving standards of care, tailoring treatment to individual needs and strengthening the voice of patients in decisions about their health.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.