Partners in health - the role of men in women's health prevention. In Women's Business campaign - Tell her about it

According to the report 'Conversations between Polish women and men about intimate health', commissioned by Gedeon Richter Polska, up to 30 per cent of [1]  Men find it very difficult to talk about intimate health issues. That is why this year's 'In Women's Business' campaign has been organised under the slogan 'Tell her about it' and is also aimed at men. The campaign is not only a reminder about regular preventive check-ups, but also encourages men to get involved and support women.

When someone surrounds us with care, doesn't run away from conversations, just is - we feel safer, we approach everything more optimistically. This state is particularly important when we are worried about something, especially if health is involved. According to the report "Conversations of Polish women and men about intimate health", commissioned by Gedeon Richter Poland, as many as 70 per cent of Poles are concerned about their health.   of us believe that talking to a loved one would help overcome the barrier to preventive examinations. Meanwhile, we perform them far too rarely, as alarming statistics show. The aforementioned report shows that more than half of women have not had a gynaecological ultrasound or cytology within the last year, while 12 per cent of rural residents declared that they do not have any examinations. Hence the unique 6th instalment of the "In Women's Interest" campaign under the slogan "Tell her about it", which aims to encourage our partners to get involved in our health as well.

Time to break the taboo

For more than 120 years, Gedeon Richter has been concerned about women's health. Apart from just providing innovative therapies, it is important for the brand to publicise the importance of preventive health care, hence the next edition of the "In Women's Business" campaign. This year's campaign not only aims to encourage Polish women to undergo gynaecological examinations, but is also aimed at men. According to the report 'Conversations between Polish women and men about intimate health', up to 30 per cent find it very difficult to talk about intimate health. They feel insecure, some have concerns about crossing women's boundaries (28 per cent), or believe they lack experience (27 per cent). What's more, as many as 52 per cent of men admit that they do not remind intimate women about regular preventive check-ups, and 40 per cent believe that everyone is responsible for their own health. To change this, the slogan of this year's 'In Women's Business' campaign is 'Tell her about it'. The campaign aims to encourage men to become more involved and willing to educate themselves. According to 83 per cent of surveyed Polish women, men should increase their knowledge of women's intimate health.

"The 'In Women's Business' campaign focuses on raising awareness among Polish women of the importance of preventive examinations for themselves and their loved ones. This year, we are addressing the issue of talking about intimate health, which is still taboo. We want to provide free access to gynaecological surgeries and encourage open conversations about this topic without embarrassment" - says Aneta Grzegorzewska, Director of Corporate Affairs and External Relations at Gedeon Richter Polska.

An action unlike any other

The 'Women's Business' campaign is not only educational, targeting men as well. It is also an extraordinary opportunity for Polish women to take better care of their health. 8 May was World Ovarian Cancer Awareness Day, and on that very day a unique mobile gynaecological unit set off on its journey across Poland as part of the campaign. It is a place where the necessary preventive examinations can be carried out free of charge, including breast examinations, gynaecological ultrasound, liquid cytology and HPV test. It is thanks to these that cancers can be detected early, so that treatment can be started at an early stage of the disease. They can therefore often save lives, and experts remind us of their necessity. - The lack of regular gynaecological check-ups is a worrying phenomenon that we have been observing for years. Prevention of intimate health is crucial for early detection of health problems and effective treatment. Timely intervention can prevent the development of serious lesions, including cancer, which can be critical for the lives of patients or significantly improve their daily functioning" - emphasises dr. Joanna Bonarek-Sztaba, gynaecologist-obstetrician.

Free gynaecological examinations and consultations

In the past editions of 'In Women's Business', 1,500 women have already benefited from comprehensive free examinations and consultations, and more than 200 have received referrals to the hospital. It is worth adding that the mobile gynaecological surgery is also adapted to the needs of women with disabilities. This is important, as there are more than 1.5 million of them in Poland and only around 150 places adapted to their needs. As she mentions Aneta Grzegorzewska, Head of Corporate Affairs and External Relations at Gedeon Richter Polska, last year's campaign was a huge success. - We provided a suitably equipped examination room and carried out an extensive information campaign on the subject. It was surprising that women who had not visited a gynaecologist for 20 or even 30 years came for examinations. This group also included women who came to the gynaecologist's surgery for the first time in their lives! - he says. That is why publicising this type of action is extremely important and can often give a second life.

[1] Research method: CAWI internet survey using Research sample: Women (70%) and men (30%) over 18 years of age. The study involved 1005 surveys with respondents from the SW Research panel. Survey completion date: 08/03 - 18/03.2024

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