Our dear heart

Prevention of heart disease is the topic of today's "Wednesdays with Prevention" - an educational campaign by the National Health Fund.

The NFZ reminds people of the possibility of taking advantage of the free cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention programme. Examinations can be performed once every 5 years at any primary care clinic under the NFZ.

There are thousands of diseases, but only one health"

The main cardiovascular diseases include hypertension, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease and stroke. These diseases are the most common cause of death. They are influenced by many factors, including those resulting from insufficient attention to health-promoting behaviour. Therefore, in order to minimise the risk of disease, it is so important to eliminate unhealthy habits, lead a healthy lifestyle and have regular preventive examinations.

Our expensive heart. How much does it cost to treat cardiovascular disease?

According to NFZ data The value of the reimbursement of services for myocardial infarction in 2022 was PLN 1.19 billion and the value of the reimbursement of services for chronic ischaemic heart disease was PLN 1.20 billion.

Prevention is better. Take advantage of the NFZ programme

The Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention Programme was established for people at high risk of cardiovascular disease, one important element of which is raising patient awareness through education and active prevention. In 2023, more than 570,000 patients benefited from the CVD programme.

This programme is also for you if:

  • you are between 35 and 65 years old
  • you have not recognised:
    • diabetes,
    • chronic kidney disease,
    • familial hypercholesterolaemia,
    • cardiovascular diseases (not all cardiovascular diseases exclude you from participating in the programme - ask your doctor or primary care nurse),
  • you have not benefited from research under this programme in the last 5 years.

The tests can be performed at any primary care clinic under the National Health Service.

In the guide Meet CVD - the NHF programme your heart will fall in love with The National Health Fund reminds, among other things, how to take care of a healthy heart and what kind of examination package you are entitled to in the CVD programme.

Patient's Guide is a practical guide to the health care system from the patient's perspective. Written simply and concretely. All guides are available at https://www.nfz.gov.pl/dla-pacjenta/poradnik-pacjenta/

The National Health Fund has also prepared special nutrition plans for people with hypertension, diabetes, overweight and obesity. You can already go to www.diety.nfz.gov.pl, set up a free account and change your eating habits to healthier ones. Next Wednesday, 17 April, to mark the start of 'Heart Week', we will be suggesting what to eat for good heart health.

Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.