Onkorodzice.co.uk portal proves how much we need reliable medical knowledge

Portal Onkorodzice.co.uk is a reliable knowledge base on childhood cancer that is used by parents of sick children and the medical community. The service celebrated its one-year anniversary in February this year. More than 21,000 users and almost 230,000 page views per month prove that such a platform is much needed.

  • Portal Onkorodzice.co.uk is a joint success of all its co-creators - the organization of patients' parents, doctors and the technology company," points out Jolanta Czernicka-Siwecka, president of the Iskierka Foundation
  • Within a year, the website has become a very important and valued source of knowledge on childhood cancer. This platform is used by both parents of sick children and the medical community
  • The portal has more than 21,000 users and almost 230,000 views per month. The site's editors have already organised 10 webinars with eminent experts, which have had more than 3.7 thousand views on YouTube

Onkorodzice.co.uk. Collaboration between technology company, patient organisation and doctors

Portal Onkorodzice.co.uk, whose custodian is the Iskierka Foundation, was launched on 15 February 2021, the International Children's Cancer Day. It was created on the initiative of the medical community, the Iskierka Foundation and technology companies 3Soft and Netology. The Polish Society for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology is the content patron.

- The functioning of the portal is a joint success of all its contributors. The history of the creation of Onkorodzice.co.uk is very interesting. Before we launched our portal, the main source of information for parents of children with oncology was "Dr Google" - Jolanta Czernicka-Siwecka, founder and president of the Iskierka Foundation, admits in an interview with the Health Market.

- We know that there is a lot of information circulating on the internet, but it often has little to do with the truth and medical knowledge. That's why, as a group of parents, we started to think about what we could do to better, more effectively educate those interested in paediatric oncology, to answer even the most difficult questions from parents," says the president of the Iskierka Foundation.

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