Oncogrants V competition

Grant competition ONKOgrants V

Pursuing the statutory goals of the Foundation, the Board of the Polish League Against Cancer is proud to announce the opening of the call for applications for the 5th edition of the Oncogrants competition, which seeks new expert and educational projects not yet funded by other institutions, creatively referring to the Strategy for Fighting Cancer in Poland 2015-2024.

The establishment of the Oncology Grant Fund is the result of the conviction that there is a wealth of ideas and experiences of various social circles and institutions interested in changes in the Polish system for fighting cancer.

The primary objective of the Fund is to activate and support initiatives submitted by, among others, non-governmental organisations, schools, scientific institutions, research teams and businesses. Support will be provided in the form of grants awarded through an open competition. The organiser hopes that the Fund's establishment will result in the strengthening of intellectual capital by increasing social participation in efforts to increase the effectiveness of the fight against cancer


In the 5th edition, the best projects will be selected in three categories:

  • Cancer as a chronic disease
  • Oncology after the pandemic
  • Promotion of the European Code Against Cancer


The deadline for submitting projects is 30 October 2021.

The results of the 5th edition of the competition will be announced until 20 January 2022.


The regulations and application form are available below: 

Applications should be sent to the following email address: biuro@ligawalkizrakiem.pl.


Poland's largest database of patient organisations. Use the search engine and check information on associations and foundations directing their help to the sick and their families.